Changes with Aloha.Editor 0.26.0

Feature RM12613

Introducing Content Rules feature:

This module facilitates global HTML content restriction across Aloha Editor. It is designed as a single point of configuration that will provide a contract to uniformly effect editing interactions and the user interface in cohesive way.

See Aloha Editor guides for further details.

Feature KB1479

empty-paragraph: highlights and removes empty paragraph and consecutive br‘s.
See Aloha Editor guides for further details.

Feature KB1480

emptylink-plugin: new plugin that highlight empty links.
See Aloha Editor guides for further details.


format-plugin: Check the hierarchy of headings

It is now possible to check the hierarchy of all headings in an editable. If the hierarchy is violated, a class “aloha-heading-hierarchy-violated” is added to the heading.
It is also checked if the hierarchy of a heading is lower than the highest allowed hierarchy in the configuration.
See Aloha Editor guides for further details.


formatlesspaste-plugin: Improved tooltips for the toggle button.


ephemera-plugin: SVG elements no longer cause the ephemera plugin to sometimes throw errors when attempting to operate on the element‘s className property.

Bugfix RT57971

repository-browser: The included Repository Browser was updated to a more recent version.

Bugfix RT58117

Change attribute ‘element.children‘ to ‘element.childNodes‘. ‘element.children‘ is not available in IE.