Manual Change
Most plugins don‘t load their css files through require any more
Before this change, plugins loaded the necessary css automatically.
Now, it is necessary to include aloha/css/aloha.css to get the css
that is necessary to make plugins work.
Manual Change
The jquery requirejs dependency was renamed from aloha/jquery to just jquery.
define([‘aloha/jquery‘, function($) { });
must be changed to
define([‘jquery‘, function($) { });
Manual Change
Added the ui-plugin and removed ui specific code from the Aloha core
Due to a complete re-implementation of the Aloha user interface in
the form of the ui-plugin, most of the ui specific Aloha API has
- FloatingMenu – removed
- Aloha.ui – removed
Plugin.i18n (has been deprecated for some time now)
- Aloha.Message – removed
- Aloha.settings.plugins.table.summaryinsidebar – meaning changed
This setting decided whether the summary was displayed either in
the side bar or in the floating-menu. This setting now only
decides whether or not a summary is displayed in the sidebar.
The table-plugin defines a component with the name
tableSummary. It is up to the toolbar configuration whether or not
this component is displayed in the toolbar.
- image-plugin – the following settings are obsolete
It is now up to the toolbar configuration whether or not and how
to display these components.
- Selection.isFloatingMenuVisible – removed
All settings associated with the removed components do not have any
effect any more.
Most Aloha css rules have been re-implemented.
In particular, the Aloha block handles now have z-index 10000, the
floating menu has 10100, and Aloha dialogs have 10200. The sidebar
continues to have a z-index of 999999999.
The new common/ui plugin is now required for the user interface to
be shown. This plugin is not loaded automatically. Most plugins
require a user interface and will fail to load if this plugin is not
configured to be loaded.
The requirejs plugins order! and jquery-plugin! have been removed.
Many plugins exposed buttons, attribute-field and multi-split-button
components as non-private members. For example, as in the case of
the cite plugin, buttons were pushed onto the exposed
multi-split-button of the Format plugin. Most of these exposed
components were removed.
The removal of the Ext.* namespace and the ExtJs css may
inadvertently affect the behaviour and display of any site that
includes Aloha.
In particular the trim() function on the String object was provided
by ExtJs for older versions of IE. Since ExtJs is gone, calling this
function will now probably cause errors on older versions of
IE. jQuery.trim() may be used as an alternative.
See the ui.html guide for more information about the new UI.
Manual Change
The jQuery loaded by Aloha no longer performs a call to $.noConflict.
The combined and minified aloha-full.js will contain the call to
$.noConflict to preserve behaviour with earlier Aloha builds
The combined and minified aloha-bare.js, or the unminified and
uncombined form used during development, will not contain the call
to $.noConflict.
Aloha now loads jQuery asynchronously, unless the user passes in a
jQuery instance himself. It is difficult to predictably call
$.noConflict after loading jquery asynchronously – the global jQuery
and $ variables may or may not be set to the jQuery loaded by Aloha
for some time after loading has finished, resulting in possibly
unpredictable behaviour if multiple jQuery instances are used.
It is up to the user to load jQuery, call noConflict himself, and
pass jQuery into Aloha via Aloha.settings.predefinedModules or
Manual Change
The following jQuery extensions were removed
jQuery.isBoolean – Instead consider typeof x === ‘boolean‘.
Manual Change
The default jQuery version distributed with Aloha was updated from 1.6.1 to 1.7.2.
The jQuery.isNumeric extension added to jQuery by Aloha was removed
to account for jQuery‘s own isNumeric function added in 1.7.
Manual Change
The browser plugin was removed
The browser plugin is obsolete. Please see linkbrowser and
imagebrowser plugins.
Manual Change
Several files have been removed
src/lib/aloha/uibrowser.js – src/lib/aloha/ecma5.js
These files are not in use by any of the main Aloha plugins and as
such are deemed obsolete. These files were never loaded and their
removal should not have any side-effect.
Custom plugins should be checked for a possible dependency on these
Manual Change
baseUrl and data-aloha-plugins attribute detection changed slightly
This change can be ignored if aloha.js is loaded in a page where
only a single script element refers to a file with this name and if
this script include is also the one carrying the data-aloha-plugins
attribute, and no other script include is carrying this attribute – this should normally be the case. If this is not the case, aloha may
not load correctly due to this change.
The exact rules are now as follows:
If Aloha.settings.baseUrl is not specified, it will be taken from
the first script element that has a data-aloha-plugins attribute,
or, if there is no such script element, the first script element of
which the src attribute matches /\/aloha.js$/.
If Aloha.settings.plugins.load is not specified, it will be taken
from the data-aloha-plugins attribute of the first script element
carrying this attribute.
Manual Change
HotKey for inserting links is changed back to ctrl+k like documented here:
Manual Change
Properties exposed by Aloha.Selection or aloha/selection were changed
- tagHierarchy – replacingElements – allowedToStealElements
These properties are now maps of maps instead of maps of lists.
Manual Change
Aloha.define was removed as it didn‘t serve any purpose
Aloha.define was removed as it didn‘t serve any purpose
Manual Change
The and jquery.json plugins have been removed
The plugin was used for persisting the floating menu
position and pinned state. The functionality provided by has been replaced with
The jquery.json plugin has been removed since the functionality
provided by this module is already provided by util/json2.
This also fixes the problem that pinning the floating menu was not
persisted in IE8 and below.
Manual Change
requirejs is not loaded as part of Aloha-Editor
For aloha development the user must now load requirejs himself
before loading aloha.js.
When using a built version of Aloha, it‘s possible to choose between
aloha-bare.js, which doesn‘t include requirejs (or jQuery), and
aloha-full.js, which does include requirejs (and jQuery).
Manual Change
The Aloha.requirePaths property has been removed.
The Aloha.requirePaths property has been removed.
Added hotkey functionality.
Added Aloha.settings.plugins.load to load plugins also via config
plugin extra/proxy: as multiple plugins need a proxy script to access external resources there‘s now one for all to use
The images browser plugin was added.
Updated naming from Aloha to Aloha Editor in boilerplate demo.
Aloha specific css rules that are not in use any more were removed:
It‘s now possible to deactivate the transformFormattings method in the genericcontenthandler with the following setting:
Aloha.settings.contentHandler.handler.generic.transformFormattings = false
By default the transformFormattings method is enabled.
The vie plugin was removed
block plugin: It is now possible to navigate with arrow keys when there are blocks.
block plugin: Aloha Block Plugin has now been greatly cleaned up and improved. Besides greatly cleaned up API and documentation, the new features include Drag/Drop, Deletion and Copy/Paste support. Now fully cross-browser (IE7, IE8, IE9, Chrome, Firefox).
core: The jquery-plugin require plugin will now be able to return loaded plugins. Previously loaded plugins were just accessible through the extended jquery object.
image plugin: splitting main fat file (1500 lines) for easying maintenance and evolutions. The new file which contains the gui is called ‘image-floatingMenu.js‘. The all sources of the image plugin were jslinted.
image plugin: abstracting ui calls and removing FloatingMenu dependency from main plugin file
image plugin: new method getImgFocus used in place of findImgMarkup which is pointless now
core: #448 Aloha Editor possibility to be loaded as requireJS module
browser: commenting some methods and coding guidelines
abbr-plugin: Fixed a javascript error when Aloha.activeEditable.obj / Aloha.activeEditable was not defined
fixing placeholder bug where it appears twice in some cases
commands.delete: fixed a bug with the delete command when contents are preceded by ignorable whitespace. also added a delete test for that.
image plugin: building a selection from scratch when an image is clicked isn‘t safe as conflictual browser behaviours
image plugin: containing editable not selectable after image plugin activation.
image plugin: when plugin activated on an image, clicking a second image don‘t disable resize on first one.
image plugin: fixing focus and value of srcField when image is clicked (previously handled by selectionChange)
fixes alohaeditor/Aloha-Editor##424 — SmartContentChanged is not triggered when hitting
browser: fixes alohaeditor/Aloha-Editor#415 — Repositorie entries appears twice in explorer
browser: fixes alohaeditor/Aloha-Editor#460 — Error when multiple repositories are configured
block sidebar attribute editor: when using backspace/del in an input field the block was removed
cite-plugin: Fixed a javascript error when the cite plugin had no explicit sidebar configuration.
headerids-plugin: Fixed a bug in the headerids plugin that the ids were not generated when the getContents was called.
numerated-headers-plugin: Fixed a bug in the numerated-headers plugin, that the selection was not properly updated when the annotations were removed.
core: Fixed that sanitizing was not executed for IE7 because of an error with modifying style attributes in IE7. We now execute sanitizing, but ignore style attributes.
core: Added the removal of sizzle attributes to the basic content handler.
core: We now catch an exception that is thrown when the selection is not properly updated. This exception would lead to unexpected behaviour.
core&numerated-headers-plugin: Fixed that sometimes DOM INDEX EXCEPTIONS occured when formating a list of paragraphs.