Manual Change
wai-lang: The wai lang plugin will now fail loading when the flag-icons plugin was not loaded. Previously the plugin did not fail loading but showed broken flag icon images. Please note that it is currently mandatory to add third party dependencies for some plugins to the data-aloha-plugins attribute otherwise those dependencies can‘t be resolved correctly.
wai-lang: The wai lang plugin will now fail loading when the flag-icons plugin was not loaded. Previously the plugin did not fail loading but showed broken flag icon images. Please note that it is currently mandatory to add third party dependencies for some plugins to the data-aloha-plugins attribute otherwise those dependencies can‘t be resolved correctly.
browser-plugin: The browser will now open at a more centered position.
core: A IE7 crash workaround was reverted because it caused all eventhandlers to be lost when getContents() was invoked. The new workaround will remove the jquery expando attributes in IE7 for some elements.
core: Fixes bugs in the handeling of delete and forward delete. These bugs were introduced in an attempt to fix issues with deleting behaviour near multiple white spaces. An alernative should be sought for a better solution for handeling white spaces.