Aloha.Editor Changelog Summary

Aloha.Editor 0.20.24


metaview: We now also display HR tags in the metaview. We also removed the dependency to the flag-icons plugin.


list-plugin: When transforming a list from ul to ol or back all sub elements that are selected are also transformed.


core: Added method Aloha.getEditableHost() to get the editable, that contains the given jQuery object.


repository browser: If one of the repositories runs into a timeout during query, the browser will now call the method handleTimeout().


characterpicker-plugin: Fixed a bug that when inserting a special character using the character picker plugin, the focus would be sometimes set to the start of the active editable (e.g. when inserting into a table cell).


listenforcer-plugin: Fixed a bug that would only mark the first editable matching a configured selector as an enforced editable. Also when leaving an editable, we now remove the added list properly.


floatingmenu: Fixed a bug in the floating menu that the position would not be adjusted if the height of the floating menu changed. This is needed in the topalign mode to not hide parts of the editable.


core: Sometimes when putting the cursor at the first position of an editable, the cursor would vanish or be put outside the editable. This has been fixed.


abbr-plugin: A possible dereference error was fixed in the plugin.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.23


changed loading procedure of languages in wai lang plugin from AJAX to require.js


resolved issue with opening the sidebar when clicking on table WAI button.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.22


link-plugin: Removed unwanted margins from the sidebar panel of the link attribute.


Fixed block formatting (p, h1, ...)

To reproduce the error

  • insert two paragraphs into an editable


  • select both paragraphs and format them as h2
  • click into the second paragraph and format as h3

The result before this fix would have been that in the last step both
paragraphs were formatted as h3.


core: We now also remove jquery* attributes before the content is saved.


core: We now log a warning to the console if repositories run into timeouts.


wai-lang: We now load the language dataset in the query method. This fixes the issue that if the first request went wrong it was never loaded again.


sidebar: The sidebar now remembers the current selection and refreshes itself when it is being opened.


wordcontenthandler: Fixed the pasting of tables with empty cells.


wordcontenthandler: Fixed the pasting of lists in chrome and IE9.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.21

Manual Change

Changed the aloha-smart-content-changed event

The snapshotContent property provided bythe
aloha-smart-content-changed event was replaced with the
getSnapshotContent property which is a function that must be
called to retrieve the value that was provided by snapshotContent.

This was done to make snapshotting of the editable contents
optional, since it is a very expensive operation.


numerated-headers-plugin: Added a &nbsp to the annotation, to seperate it from the heading‘s text.


table-plugin: We now show the summary textarea in the sidebar if a click on the wai-image was issued.


Fixed IE7 mode paragraph margin

The problem is that with a DOM like the following:



The margin between the paragraphs will not take effect because
IE8 in compatibility mode considers the paragraph with the ```
in it empty. Normal IE8 will render the margin.

To make IE8 in compatibility mode render the margin, some content
must be put into the ```

```. That is not a big problem, since there
usually should be no reason to have empty paragraphs in your

However, if the content is entered by hand (if it is not there to
begin with) then the margin will not be immediately updated. Only
when, after entering some content into the first paragraph, the
selection is put into the second paragraph, will the margin be

Although I don‘t see an easy workaround for the first problem
(that the margin is not displayed when the paragraph is empty)
there is an easy workaround for the second problem (that the
margin isn‘t updated even after some content has been
entered). The workaround is simply, when some content is entered,
to insert and remove an arbitrary DOM node into the second
paragraph, which will force IE to re-render the paragraph.

Problem was verified to exist on IE7 and IE8 in compatibility
mode with IE7 document type. May also exist in other IE7 modes.


Fixed some random and weird selection problems in IE7, where some actions (like Enter behaviour) were not performed on the correct cursor position. Sometimes there also occurred some JS errors.


Fixed Transforming an empty contenteditable into a list, which caused the contenteditable container to disappear.


headerids-plugin: Fixed a bug in the headerids plugin that the ids were not generated when the getContents was called.


numerated-headers-plugin: Fixed a bug in the numerated-headers plugin, that the selection was not properly updated when the annotations were removed.


core: Fixed that sanitizing was not executed for IE7 because of an error with modifying style attributes in IE7. We now execute sanitizing, but ignore style attributes.


core: Added the removal of sizzle attributes to the basic content handler.


core: We now catch an exception that is thrown when the selection is not properly updated. This exception would lead to unexpected behaviour.


core&numerated-headers-plugin: Fixed that sometimes DOM INDEX EXCEPTIONS occured when formating a list of paragraphs.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.20


core: An Internet Explorer 7 crash fix was fixed. Previously the fix caused the whole content to be selected for a short period of time when appling inline format elements.


core: An issue that resize handles were displayed on inline elements that contained a new lines in IE7/8 was fixed.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.19


cite-plugin: Removal of a cite specific data attribute caused a crash in Native Internet Explorer 7. The removal will now be skipped for Native Internet Explorer 7.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.18


cite-plugin: Fixed cite plugin DOM element attributes. It is not needed to add attributes to blockquote and q tags unless you have defined a referencecontainer.


contenthandler: Modified contenthandlers to allow language annotations made by the wai-lang plugin. This enables copy & paste of language annotations.


list-plugin: Some internet explorer specific attributes (hidefocus, tabindex) will now be removed on makeClean.


wai-lang-plugin: The plugin now supports both ISO-639–1 (two letter) and ISO-639–2 (three letter) language codes. The languages can be searched in english or german (depending on the user‘s locale). Additionally, it is now possible to switch on/off the display of country flags when searching for language codes.


format-plugin: removeFormat for quote and others (#577); enabled the useage of the u element (#580)


core: Fixed copying of attributes when transforming DOM objects into other DOM objects (e.g. when transforming a list into a paragraph), which caused strange attributes to be written in IE, that caused editing problems (e.g. could not set cursor into paragraph, etc.)


core: A basic content handler was added to the core that will cleanup the dom and html that gets processed by the getContents method. Currently this basic contenthandler is used to remove attributes (tabindex, hidefocus, contenteditable) that were added when using the Internet Explorer.


repository-browser: Some images for the repository browser were changed because Internet Explorer 7+8 don‘t know how to handle alpha in PNGs.


repository-browser: Columns that are not sortable will now no longer be displayed like they were sortable.


formatlesspaste-plugin: Fixed javascript error that ocurred when no custom editable configuration was set


dom-to-xhtml-plugin: When used in IE7 (or IE8 in IE7 mode), classes of elements were removed. This lead to unexpected behaviour with the BR-tags with class aloha-end-br, that are automatically added, when using the blockelementcontenthandler.


characterpicker-plugin: Fixed inserting a special character with a collapsed selection, when using IE.


table-plugin: Enabled proper selection (with mouse or keys) in the editable caption of a table.


table-plugin: When the contents of a table cell gains the focus, the whole cell is no longer selected. This also affects applying format to contents of a table cell.


table-plugin: New Captions are now added as first child of the table (before the tbody), according to the HTML5 specification.


table-plugin: The table plugin will now remove table id‘s on cleanup.


table-plugin: Fixed the removal of the aloha-table-cell_active once a table gets deactivated.


numerated-headers-plugin: Fixed error that annotations would not be removed when converting a header to a paragraph. The plugin also added leading spaces to the heading‘s text. This was removed.


linkbrowser-plugin/numerated-headers-plugin: A bug in the numerated headers plugin caused a javascript error when the linkbrowser window should be closed. This bug was fixed and the linkbrowser window closes now propely.


wai-lang-plugin: We now remove data attributes generated by the repository on makeClean and we add an xml:lang attribute with the value of the lang attribute.


wai-lang-plugin: The key combination ctrl+i caused a javascript error in IE8 when using the wai-lang-plugin together with the link plugin. This javascript error was now fixed.


metaview-plugin: Modified CSS for language annotations to always show a generic icon for language annotated spans.


metaview-plugin: language annotations would result in background images being repeated over and over again – fixed that problem.


cite-plugin: Fixed editing of saved citation links.


cite-plugin: The css animations for the cite plugin were removed because they were poluting the dom with style attributes.


Fixed trailing comma in array literal.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.17


contenthandler plugin: A new Blockelement Content Handler has been added, that handles breaks in blockelements upon initialization and getContents


draganddropfiles: A security issue with the upload.php example file was found. The example will no longer be executable by default.


core: The implementation for adding br-Tags in Blockelements has been fixed to realize a more consistent behaviour across all browsers and also with the metaview plugin turned on.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.16


numerated-headers plugin: Added configuration option ‘trailingdot‘ to switch format of generated headers.


numerated-headers plugin: Fixed misleading interpretation of the ‘numeratedactive‘ for configuration per editable. ‘numeratedactive‘ will now only determine, whether headers shall be numerated by default (if button not unclicked by the editor). To disable the function for an editable, choose an empty ‘headingselector‘.


numerated-headers plugin: Fixed numeration, when the headers are not starting with the highest level (e.g. when using h2 h1 h2 h3, the first h2 will be omitted and numeration will start at the h1)


core: fixed missing space when selecting a word between two spaces and deleting (by [DEL] or [BACKSPACE]). The result will now be like expected: having the cursor between two spaces.


characterpicker-plugin: Fixed inserting characters with a non-collapsed selection. Instead of adding the character after the selection, the inserted character will now replace the selection (like expected).


paste-plugin: Disabled handling paste on IE by executing the command ‘paste‘, because this causes incorrect cursor positions after pasting.


paste-plugin: Fixed setting focus and selection into the editable before inserting pasted html. That fixes strange behaviour in FF after pasting.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.15


core: Fixed browser crashes in IE9 (and above), after splitting DOM nodes using ENTER and placing the cursor afterwards, that occurred due to a browser bug in IE9

Aloha.Editor 0.20.14


A whole lot of Plugins can now be configured editable-specific configuration: abbr, highlighteditables, list, horizontalruler, link, paste, headerids, listenforcer, metaview, numerated-headers, wai-lang, cite, characterpicker, formatlesspaste, dom-to-xhtml. Have a look at the individual plugin guides for detailed information on how to configure them.


Added functional description for plugins


plugin numerated-headers: will now be more tolerant with its configuration options


sanitize contenthandler: Added ‘del‘ as allowed element to the default configuration of the sanitize contenthandler.


repository browser: searches in the repository browser will now be done recursively.


plugin formatlesspaste: will now be more tolerant with the button and formatlessPasteOption setting and not only accept boolean values


plugin cite: will now be more tolerant with the setting and not only accept boolean values. Additionally, the default config will now show both the quote and blockquote button.


core: When using the delete button in IE7, so that after deleting the cursor is supposed to be in between two spaces, some unexpected text “undefined” was added to the editable. This has been fixed now.


metaview: Fixed bug that caused a javascript error when no configuration was provided for the metaview plugin.


core: Fixed a bug within jquery that caused problems in IE9 when invoking getContents for an editable that contains an embedded object (e.g. flash player).


FloatingMenu: in IE the FloatingMenu would not be clickable after deleting a table row because of a transparent .ext-shim iframe layered on top of it. Forcefully removed the iframe from the layout.


FloatingMenu: in IE the FloatingMenu would not be clickable after deleting a table row because of a transparent .ext-shim iframe layered on top of it. Forcefully removed the iframe from the layout.


repositorymanager: Fixed a bug in the repository manager that caused an javascript error when no result items were passed to the processResults method.


generic contenthandler: Do not trim text nodes in list elements, because this could remove spaces between words, where one word is formatted.


plugin format: The format plugin will now support ‘del‘ instead of ‘s‘ for strikethrough (‘s‘ is deprecated), like explained in the documentation.


plugin metaview: Metaview plugin would add a grey backdrop to lists on IE7. Added more specific styles.


core: Implemented deleting tables with “delete“ or “forwarddelete” commands (pressing [DEl] or [BACKSPACE]).


core: Fixed strange cursor behaviour when using [BACKSPACE] to delete the first character in a text node, using IE9.


enumerated-headers plugin: Added default configuration, which fixes some javascript error, if no other configuration is set.


wai-lang plugin: Fixed toggle button to be pressed when a language is set, and unpressed if not. Hide language tab, when language is removed.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.13


Removed unwanted behaviour from the block plugin‘s sidebarattributeedtior, which will clear out the whole sidebar when loaded


added / updated guides for plugins


enabled linklist.js so it‘s possible to use the settings for your own list (removed the default entries)


table plugin: enabled format tab when a whole row/column is selected via click on the row/column header


sanitize contenthandler: allow attribute target for the a element in the relaxed config


plugin highlighteditables: configurable per editable; CSS can be adapted;


added a new helper function jQuery.isEmpty() to check if a mixed var is empty or not


A whole lot of Plugins can now be configured editable-specific configuration: abbr, highlighteditables, list, horizontalruler, link, paste, headerids, listenforcer, metaview, numerated-headers, wai-lang, cite, characterpicker, formatlesspaste, dom-to-xhtml. Have a look at the individual plugin guides for detailed information on how to configure them.


Added functional description for plugins


core: The getEditableConfig will now also return the selector within the configuration object. This only applies to custom editable configurations that provide objects instead of arrays since arrays can‘t be extended with custom properties. The returned object will now also contain nested arrays. Previously nested arrays were omitted.


core: Fixed the fix for IE7 crashes


core: Fixed Javascript errors that occurred in IE7 when pressing Enter at the end of paragraphs (multiple times).


core: Fixed possible Javascript error when cleanup operation is done (e.g. after pasting text into an editable).


commands: Fixed possible browser hang (due to an infinite loop) that occurred, when using the command ‘inserthtml‘ to insert content into an editable span, that is not allowed inside a span (e.g. a h1). This browser hang could occur when using the paste plugin to paste content, since that uses the command ‘inserthtml‘.


generic contenthandler: Changed to always remove div, span and font tags, regardless of the setting of the contentEditable attribute. This fixes problems, when e.g. having an editable span and then pressing [CTRL-A] [CTRL-C] [CTRL-V].


commands: Fixed unwrapping of tags in fixDisallowedAncestors, which possibly removed the editing host when pasting into spans, h1, ...


sanitize contenthandler: disabled for IE7, because it does not work well in IE7 (sanitize tries to set attributes via setAttributeNode() to DOM Elements, and this does not work for the “style” attribute in IE7)


commands: fixed weird behaviour when using the backspace key to delete text (cursor was jumping).


core: Fixed enter behaviour in lists. Before executing command “insertparagraph”, whitespace textnodes around list elements are removed, because the algorithm isn‘t prepared to handle whitespace textnodes.


citation plugin: Fixed javascript errors on initialization and possible endless loop when adding inline citations.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.12

Manual Change

wai-lang: The wai lang plugin will now fail loading when the flag-icons plugin was not loaded. Previously the plugin did not fail loading but showed broken flag icon images. Please note that it is currently mandatory to add third party dependencies for some plugins to the data-aloha-plugins attribute otherwise those dependencies can‘t be resolved correctly.

wai-lang: The wai lang plugin will now fail loading when the flag-icons plugin was not loaded. Previously the plugin did not fail loading but showed broken flag icon images. Please note that it is currently mandatory to add third party dependencies for some plugins to the data-aloha-plugins attribute otherwise those dependencies can‘t be resolved correctly.


browser-plugin: The browser will now open at a more centered position.


core: A IE7 crash workaround was reverted because it caused all eventhandlers to be lost when getContents() was invoked. The new workaround will remove the jquery expando attributes in IE7 for some elements.


core: Fixes bugs in the handeling of delete and forward delete. These bugs were introduced in an attempt to fix issues with deleting behaviour near multiple white spaces. An alernative should be sought for a better solution for handeling white spaces.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.11


plugin: Adding the sourceview plugin, which visualizes the current selection in the sidebar to help developers of Aloha Editor with debugging.


link plugin: removed linklist (and slowlinklist) which where loaded by default (we should not force everyone to have them active by default)


browser-plugin: The browser plugin will now calculate the browser width automatically.


Removed unwanted behaviour from the block plugin‘s sidebarattributeedtior, which will clear out the whole sidebar when loaded


image plugin: fixes distorted images when in portrait format


table plugin: fixes bug in IE7 that second click on table cell was not activating the table


browser-plugin: In some cases a javascript error would be thrown when using the browser plugin with Internet Explorer. IE does not support ‘new Image‘ calls within popups.


browser-plugin: In some cases a javascript error would be thrown when using the browser plugin with Internet Explorer. IE does not support ‘new Image‘ calls within popups.


IE7 - #516 navigate with arrow keys through several paragraphs


IE7 - #515 gray text after list


floatingmenu: Fixed regeneration of ext components for floatingmenu, when buttons are added after the floatingmenu was initialized

Aloha.Editor 0.20.10


core: Fixed a typo in the previous bugfix: Fixed a javascript error in IE9 stating that the method createContextualFragment doesn‘t exist

Aloha.Editor 0.20.9


updated integration of Aloha Blocks to the most recent version


block-plugin: Fixed ‘e.srcElement is undefined‘ error in blockmanager.js which affected firefox 11


floatingmenu: Fixed problem with creating new buttons after Aloha is ready.


floatingmenu: Fixed problem with showing floatingmenu shadow too early


core: Fixed a permission error in Firefox, when Aloha Editor tried to access a document property of an external ressource


table-plugin: Fixed the cleanup of the table cells on blur not cleaning up correctly (caused by a typo in the element class)


core: Fixed a javascript error in IE9 stating that the method createContextualFragment doesn‘t exist (fixed in extjs)

Aloha.Editor 0.20.8


core: It is now possible to place the caret between two adjecent non-contenteditable elements.


editable.js: introduced method setContents() - use Aloha.getEditableById('myeditable‘).setContents(‘Aloha World‘) to set the contents of the editable with the ID my-editable


hints plugin: Implemented using Tipsy as tooltip library and the latest Aloha-Editor plugin standard.


API docs: added first version of new API docs


HotKey feature added for link, format and wai-lang plugin


core: Improved efficiency of cursor processing, especially around blocks.


core: The jquery-plugin require plugin will now be able to return loaded plugins. Previously loaded plugins were just accessible through the extended jquery object.


enabled image plugin in boilerplate demo. needs some enhancements to be more user friendly


block plugin: added data-attribute to prevent triggering scope changes when a block is activated


block plugin: revamped colors for highlighting blocks


config options per editable for plugin common/horizontalruler and extra/toc


configure the sidebar handle position via


table plugin: disable split / merge cell buttons when not possible to use


dom-to-xhtml plugin: non-specified attributes are excluded from serialization, making attribute serialization more consistent on IE7 and IE8.


load plugins via config option


Added very simple example for loading Aloha Editor. Simplyfied “Using Aloha Editor” guides page.


adding documentation about Aloha Editor events


core: UP and DOWN cursor key will now not be processed specially by Aloha, they will be left to native handeling.


core: Adds a guard in `execCommand()‘ to prevent `INDEX_SIZE_ERR‘ exceptions.


core: The cursor processing around non-contenteditable elements (blocks) was not functioning as described or desired. It now behaves with more stability especially on Internet Explorer.


smartContentChange is now again triggered when pressing enter key; and new: delete / backspace keys


align plugin: Fixed alignment behavior and place the buttons in the format tab instead of a new one.


updated dom.js to reflect HTML5 spec changes; format with u and i tags is now available; updated default button config


added missing endprologue. and regenerated guides; jslint for image plugin

Aloha.Editor 0.20.7


link: fixed a bug in the link list static repository plugin that would cause aloha to fail when no settings for the linklist repository were specified.


formatlesspaste plugin: fixed IE syntax error caused by a comma at the end of a list.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.6


Added jslint setup to guides and fixed error output in build script.


The new plugin dom-to-xhtml attempts to create a valid XHTML serialization of the document when getContents() is called.


Repositories: It is now possible to configure the timeout for querying repositories.


Floating menu: It is now possible to configure the floating menu to be ‘append‘ to an other element. It is needed to set an extra option ‘element‘ with the ID of the HTML DOM element where the fm should be attach to. The floating menu is attached to the same position as the ‘element‘.


Floating menu: If the floating menu is set to be not draggable, the drag&drop bar + pin will not be shown


updated plugin: table of contents (toc) to work with the current Aloha Editor version


Browser plugin: loading of required jQuery plugins is now changed so all can be loaded via CDN


link: fixed a bug in the link list static repository plugin that caused Internet Explorer to fail handling repository links.


dom-to-xhtml plugin: fixed attribute names are not lowercased


floatingmenu: fixed floating menu‘s reading of configuration values so that they are parsed into numbers.


floatingmenu: fixed floating menu positioning when view port is scrolled so that it takes into account the aligntopOffset setting.


Paste plugin: paste into an editable in an editable is now working


Selection of content in an contenteditable=false which is not a child of an Aloha Editor instance now works like expected


engine.js: insert paragraph was sometimes broken in IE7 (copy of empty/all p-element attributes)


characterpicker plugin: fixed cursor position after inserting a character

Aloha.Editor 0.20.5


word contenthandler: cleanup for pasted word documents with table of contents


cite plugin: config option if sidebar should auto open or not ( true|false)


paste plugin: removed trim of pasted contents — test[ text] + 2x c&p results now in test text text instead of testtexttext


format/table plugin: added a workaround in the format plugin to enable formating of selected cells


The link plugin won‘t use a scope but will now hide/show it‘s buttons directly.


Fixed the way the table plugin unwrapped it‘s cell contents when deactivating a table – all dom object references where lost before. Now the objects are truly unwrapped, and just moved up one step within the dom structure.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.4


core: fixed IE7 browser crash caused by dereferencing element attributes.


floatingmenu: Fixed positioning of floating menu when it extends beyond the width of the viewport

Aloha.Editor 0.20.3


floatingmenu: Fixed float position of floatingmenu when it moves between editables.


core: Removes ExtJS‘ IE6 style fixes which break layout in IE9.


image-plugin: The image plugin will now only display the crop buttons when the cropping area selection was finished. This avoids a bug in Internet Explorer 7 where the crop area could not be resized once the user entered those crop buttons.


core: Fixed floating menu pinning with topalign behaviour (topalignOffset, horizontalOffset)

Aloha.Editor 0.20.2


core: Removed unneeded JSON empty function definition that surpressed errors in IE.


guides: Updated guides. They now include a directory structure explanation and a detailed release guide.


word contenthandler: html cleanup for empty tags, removal of spans and the paragraph numbering from TOC feature.


image-plugin: Replaced unicode characters in the crop buttons with images to fix display issues within Internet Explorer 7.


core: Fixed problem where Internet Explorer 7 and will not work with frames since it will fallback to storage. We‘ll now use a void storage for IE7. This means that IE7 will not be able to store floating menu postion and other settings.


core: Fixed problem of Internet Explorer 7 crashing when invoking jQuery‘s `removeAttr`.


html5shims: Function `getRootParent` in ecma5schims.js no longer throws an error when `null` or `undefined` is passed to it.


core: fixed incorrect dependency on jquery.json-2.2 where util/json2 is needed instead and made it globally available

Aloha.Editor 0.20.1


table-plugin: fixed incorrect repairing of tables (cells were appended to rows containing th elements).

Aloha.Editor 0.20.0-RC0

Aloha.Editor 0.20.0-RC1


link-plugin: Fixed a bug that prevented correct selection of items from the repository browser when a new link was created on a fresh loaded page.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.0-RC2


link-plugin: Fixed bug in link-plugin, which prevented correct selection of items from the repository browser when creating a link on a fresh page


browser-plugin: Fixed a bug that prevented the browser plugin to load its dependencies correctly.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.0-RC3


link-plugin: The default behaviour for the link plugin has changed. Links with empty hrefs will not be removed automatically any longer – removing the current href has to be confirmed by pressing enter to delete the link itself. Use the unlink button to remove the link directly.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.0-RC4


FloatingMenu: The FloatingMenu will now check the Aloha.settings.floatingmenu.topalignOffset parameter to be not undefined, as checking for ‘number‘ was too strict.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.0-RC5


link-plugin: The link plugin will no longer remove repository data attributes from the link when the user clicks a link and leaves it imediately. Previously those repository data attributes where removed when the repository lookup was not finished on time (before the user left the link). For the user the repository link was transformed to a normal link. This is now fixed.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.0-RC6


link-plugin/linkbrowser-plugin: Previously the highlight css for a link was not removed after an item was selected by the linkbrowser. Now highlight css will be correctly removed and the cursor will be placed back into the content. Previously the selection was lost.


table-plugin: Fixed a bug that deactivated tables after 5 seconds. This issue was caused by a failure within the table registry. Instead of loading the cloned object the original table was loaded and deactivated.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.0-RC7


flag-icons plugin: It is now necessary to add the flag-icons plugin in the aloha plugin load order before any plugins that need to use the shared flag icons.


metaview-plugin: Fixed metaview plugin to use shared flags icon from flag-icons plugin, for consistancy between plugins.


wai-lang-plugin: Improved wai-lang language selection ui. Organized flags to be in a plugin their own plugin so that the icons can be shared between other components.


link-plugin: Fixed javascript error that occured when linking items using the repository browser in Internet Explorer 8.


boilerplate demo: Fixed javascript error that occured in Internet Explorer 8.


link-plugin: The autocomplete list is now closed properly when the escape key was pressed.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.0-RC8


listenforcer-plugin: The listenforcer plugin was refactored.
Method names were changed and the way the plugin works with
lists was also changed. It will now no longer replace list
dom elments. Instead it will move sibling lists into the
first list element within the editable. Previously the whole
element was replaced and thus the selection was lost. This
caused problems with the floating menu. The user had to click
two times into a list to make the floating menu appear since
the selection was lost due to dom replacements. This is now


core: The aloha-editable-activated will now no longer invoked twice.


image-plugin: Fixed handling of width and height when the user entered the cropping mode. You can resize the crop area by entering values in the width and height field.


list-plugin/link-plugin: The list plugin interfered with the link plugin behaviour. Previously it was not possible to create links within a list due to a bug within the list plugin. The list plugin will now no longer use the Aloha.List scope.


link-plugin: Fixed problem with auto-suggestion mechanism for the link input field causing the the wrong href value to be taken.

Aloha.Editor 0.20.0-RC9


formatlesspaste plugin: The elements stripped by the formatlesspaste plugin can now be configured like this

“formatlesspaste“ :{
formatlessPasteOption : true,
strippedElements : [



wai-lang plugin: The styling of the language input field, and dropdown suggestion box has been improved.


listenforcer-plugin: List enforcer plugin configuration should change

// ... from this:

“listenforcer“ : {
“editables“ : {
“.myselector“ : [ “true“ ]
“config“ : “false“

//... to this:

“listenforcer“ : {
“editables“ : [ “.myselector” ]



listenforcer-plugin: The listenforcer plugin removes any non-list top-level elements to ensure that an editable in which lists are enforced will contain exactly one list as the only immediate child of the editable.


listenforcer-plugin: The enforce method is now a private function.


Some changes in the Browser Plugin (browser.js) to allow multiple, distinguishable instances of browsers on the same page


image-plugin: The saved aspect ratio will now be correcly recalculated when a cropping action is sucessfully ended. Previously the aspect ratio was not recalculated and therefore resizing of images resulted in unexpected image sizes.


customizable numerated-header plugin: when header content is deleted, the numeration tag will be deleted, too

Aloha.Editor 0.20.0


doc/api: added first version of new API docs. Please note that the API docs are currently work in progress.


floatingmenu: fixed a bug with topalign behaviour where scrolling would attach the floatingmenu to the left side of the screen.