cite-plugin: Fixed cite plugin DOM element attributes. It is not needed to add attributes to blockquote and q tags unless you have defined a referencecontainer.
contenthandler: Modified contenthandlers to allow language annotations made by the wai-lang plugin. This enables copy & paste of language annotations.
list-plugin: Some internet explorer specific attributes (hidefocus, tabindex) will now be removed on makeClean.
wai-lang-plugin: The plugin now supports both ISO-639–1 (two letter) and ISO-639–2 (three letter) language codes. The languages can be searched in english or german (depending on the user‘s locale). Additionally, it is now possible to switch on/off the display of country flags when searching for language codes.
format-plugin: removeFormat for quote and others (#577); enabled the useage of the u element (#580)
core: Fixed copying of attributes when transforming DOM objects into other DOM objects (e.g. when transforming a list into a paragraph), which caused strange attributes to be written in IE, that caused editing problems (e.g. could not set cursor into paragraph, etc.)
core: A basic content handler was added to the core that will cleanup the dom and html that gets processed by the getContents method. Currently this basic contenthandler is used to remove attributes (tabindex, hidefocus, contenteditable) that were added when using the Internet Explorer.
repository-browser: Some images for the repository browser were changed because Internet Explorer 7+8 don‘t know how to handle alpha in PNGs.
repository-browser: Columns that are not sortable will now no longer be displayed like they were sortable.
formatlesspaste-plugin: Fixed javascript error that ocurred when no custom editable configuration was set
dom-to-xhtml-plugin: When used in IE7 (or IE8 in IE7 mode), classes of elements were removed. This lead to unexpected behaviour with the BR-tags with class aloha-end-br, that are automatically added, when using the blockelementcontenthandler.
characterpicker-plugin: Fixed inserting a special character with a collapsed selection, when using IE.
table-plugin: Enabled proper selection (with mouse or keys) in the editable caption of a table.
table-plugin: When the contents of a table cell gains the focus, the whole cell is no longer selected. This also affects applying format to contents of a table cell.
table-plugin: New Captions are now added as first child of the table (before the tbody), according to the HTML5 specification.
table-plugin: The table plugin will now remove table id‘s on cleanup.
table-plugin: Fixed the removal of the aloha-table-cell_active once a table gets deactivated.
numerated-headers-plugin: Fixed error that annotations would not be removed when converting a header to a paragraph. The plugin also added leading spaces to the heading‘s text. This was removed.
linkbrowser-plugin/numerated-headers-plugin: A bug in the numerated headers plugin caused a javascript error when the linkbrowser window should be closed. This bug was fixed and the linkbrowser window closes now propely.
wai-lang-plugin: We now remove data attributes generated by the repository on makeClean and we add an xml:lang attribute with the value of the lang attribute.
wai-lang-plugin: The key combination ctrl+i caused a javascript error in IE8 when using the wai-lang-plugin together with the link plugin. This javascript error was now fixed.
metaview-plugin: Modified CSS for language annotations to always show a generic icon for language annotated spans.
metaview-plugin: language annotations would result in background images being repeated over and over again – fixed that problem.
cite-plugin: Fixed editing of saved citation links.
cite-plugin: The css animations for the cite plugin were removed because they were poluting the dom with style attributes.
Fixed trailing comma in array literal.