Aloha.Editor Changelog Summary

Aloha.Editor 2.0.8

Bugfix SUP-17884

Selected characters from the character-picker plugin can now be inserted again.

Bugfix SUP-17815

Now a quote formatter, applied over already formatted text, produces a single quoted block, instead of a serie of distinct differently formatted quotes.

Aloha.Editor 2.0.7

Bugfix SUP-17877

Added a new hint property to the Input UI Component.

Bugfix SUP-17938

The assignment of a Plugins setting has been fixed.

Aloha.Editor 2.0.6

Bugfix SUP-17223

Defaulted UI Component element to an empty jQuery element, to prevent potential null-access.

Bugfix SUP-17290

Fixed the list plugin to apply the editables configuration correctly again.

Bugfix SUP-17822

Active Typography will be correctly detected again.

Bugfix SUP-17849

Added default values when updating an existing link.

Aloha.Editor 2.0.5

Bugfix SUP-17615

Added missing title editing for links.

Bugfix SUP-17625

Table plugin: Fixes missing styling button. The configuration items cellConfig, columnConfig and rowConfig specify available entries in the table styling button to apply CSS classes to individual cells, columns or rows. See the table plugin documentation for details.

Bugfix SUP-17624

Format plugin: Fixes an issue that the config setting of the format plugin was ignored.

Aloha.Editor 2.0.4

Aloha.Editor 2.0.3

Bugfix SUP-15430

Fix spellchecker configuration and adjust appearance.

Aloha.Editor 2.0.2

Bugfix SUP-16711

Fixes the Aloha list plugin so that the list style is applied properly.

Aloha.Editor 2.0.1

Bugfix SUP-16967

When pasting content from Word, empty html tags (like meta or link tags) are now correctly removed.

Aloha.Editor 2.0.0

Enhancement GPU-1097

Updates jQuery dependency to 3.7.0 and jQuery UI dependency to 1.13.2.

Custom plugins might need adaptions. See the list of deprecated function for jQuery.

Enhancement GPU-1097

Replaces linting and building with the wro4j-maven-plugin with eslint, esbuild and postcss.

Enhancement GPU-1253

Existing UI Systems have been overhauled:

  • ui/scopes: have been de-deprecated and reworked
  • ui/surface: now controls general UI behavior and can derfer it to other systems entirely

All UI Components may now inherit from the new ui/component base-class, as new functionality and requirements have been added.

Icons have been reworked to use Google's Material Symbols instead of Image files.
Icons that are used are mapped and available in ui/icons.

New Systems for dynamic, and consistent UIs have been added:

  • ui/dropdown: Adds a generic way to open a dropdown on a specific component.
  • ui/dynamicForm: Allows for dynamic form and form-control generation, as well as a component registry to add new components.
  • ui/modal: Adds a generic way to open modals with a form.

New UI Components have been added:

  • ui/attributeButton: Regular button, which also allows for editing of a single attribute of an HTML-Element.
  • ui/attributeToggleButton: Extension of ui/attributeButton which adds toggle functions to the button.
  • ui/checkbox: Checkbox component to control a boolean value.
  • ui/colorPicker: Color picker to either select a pre-defined color value or let‘s the user select/pick one.
  • ui/contextButton: Button which opens a context (Modal/Dropdown) on click.
  • ui/contextToggleButton: Extension of ui/contextButton which adds toggle functions to the button.
  • ui/dateTimePicker: Date-Time Picker to enter/select a date, or a date-time.
  • ui/iframe: Iframe which allows embedding of external components and interacts via the window message protocol.
  • ui/input: Formerly ui/text, and is a generic input element.
  • ui/select: Select which allows the user to select one or more options.
  • ui/selectMenu: Special select for dropdowns only. Allows the user to select only one option and has additional step for extra data input.
  • ui/slider: Horizontal slider/range to select a number.
  • ui/splitButton: Button which has a secondary smaller button added to it.
  • ui/text: Just text without any interactions.
  • ui/toggleSplitButton: Extension of ui/splitBtton which adds toggle functions to the button.

Components which have been removed:

  • ui/accordionMenuButton: Use a combination of ui/contextButton, or ui/dropdown; and the ui/selectMenu instead.
  • ui/menuButton: Use a combination of ui/contextButton, or ui/dropdown; and the ui/selectMenu instead.
  • ui/multiSplit: Use either a ui/splitButton, or a combination of ui/contextButton, or ui/dropdown; and the ui/selectMenu instead.
  • ui/port-helper-attribute-field: Use the ui/attributeButton or ui/attributeToggleButton instead.
  • ui/port-helper-multi-split: Use either a ui/splitButton, or a combination of ui/contextButton, or ui/dropdown; and the ui/selectMenu instead.
  • ui/text: Not directly removed, but changed to ui/input, as this component will now only render text.

Component layouts and stylings may have changed significantly.

Enhancement GPU-1253

Various settings for plugins and the UI Toolbar have been changed.

Noteworthy changes for the Aloha.settings.toolbar:

  • Tabs require an id, and label property and optionally an icon.
  • Tab component slots (@components@) can be defined by either string or as { slot: string; scope: string | string[] } elements.

For full type definitions, check the ui/settings file.