Start Here
- Use
Learn how to embed Aloha Editor and make your content editable and how to use and configure Aloha Editor plugins.
- Develop
Learn how to develop or make a custom build of Aloha Editor.
- Dependencies
In this guide, we will explain how dependencies are managed with Aloha Editor.
The Core
- Events
Describes how to publish and subscribe to events.
- Commands
Learn how to use commands.
- Repositories
In this guide, we will explain how repositories work.
- Functional Description
Functional description of basic functions of Aloha Editor.
- Internals
Miscellaneous implementation details.
- Content Rules
How to configure what elements are permitted inside editables.
- Aloha Editor UI
Learn how the Aloha Editor UI works.
- Hotkeys
Key combinations available in Aloha Editor
- Sidebar
Using the Sidebar in your plugins
- Available Plugins
Learn what Aloha Editor plugins are available and how to enable them.
- Writing Plugins
In this guide, we will explain the plugin structure, the usage of requireJS and the plugin lifecylce in Aloha Editor.
Contributing to Aloha Editor
- Releasing
Our release process and scripts.
- Javascript Style Guide
This guide covers the style of Aloha Editor.
- Documentation Guidelines
Writing and generating jsdoc documentation.