Aloha Editor

Aloha Editor Guides

These guides help you to make your content editable and to develop Aloha Editor.

Release Guide

This guide will describe the aloha editor release lifecyle and practical releasing example. Please read which describes in detail the branch structure and release process as seen from git.

1 Release Lifecycle

1.1 Feature Release

  • Create a new hotfix branch from the dev branch (eg. hotfix-0.26.x)
  • Create a maven changelog skiplist by listing all changelog entries from (eg. hotfix-0.25.x)
  • Release from that hotfix-0.26.x branch

1.2 Hotfix Release

A hotfix release can be done from an existing hotfix branch. The hotfix level of the version will be raised one leve. (eg. 0.20.0 → 0.20.1). Use the jenkins task to release from the hotfix branch.

Exception: hotfix-0.24.x are still split between commercial release and gpl releases. This means you have to release the GPL version first. After this step the commercial version can be released. This step is not needed for 0.25.x releases.

1.3 Post Release Steps

  • After a release has been done the tagged version will be merged into the master and dev branch.
  • A hotfix branch for the release will be created in which hotfixes can be applied.
  • The tagged version will be merged into the dev branch. Please note that the dev version should always be one level above the current major release version. (eg. current stable is 0.20.0 than the dev branch version would be 0.30.0-dev.)

2 Practical Maven Feature Release Example For Version 0.26.x

2.1 Preparation 1. Update the dev branch.

  git checkout dev
  git pull origin dev

2. Create the new hotfix branch

  git checkout -b hotfix-0.26.x
  git push origin hotfix-0.26.x

2.2 Release

  • Use the jenkins ci server to invoke the release build from that branch (Core members only)

You may have to create a new jenkins job for this new hotfix branch.

  • Test the created preview release in all supported browsers.
  • Publish the release using the jenkins upload-alohaeditor-release job.

2.3 Post Release

  • Tweet about the release
  • Checkout the master branch and merge it with the release branch

  git checkout master
  git pull origin master 
  git pull origin hotfix-0.26.x
  git push origin master
  • Update the dev branch
  git checkout dev
  git pull origin hotfix-0.26.x
  git push origin dev
  • Update the dev branch version to 0.26.0-dev-SNAPSHOT

  mvn release:update-versions -DdevelopmentVersion=0.26.0-dev-SNAPSHOT -DautoVersionSubmodules=true

3 Practical Maven Hotfix Release Example

1. Switch to the hotfix-0.25.x branch and update it

  git checkout hotfix-0.25.x
  git pull origin hotfix-0.25.x

3.1 Release

  • Use the jenkins ci server to invoke the release build from that branch (Core members only)
  • Test the created preview release in all supported browsers.
  • Publish the release using the jenkins upload-alohaeditor-release job.

3.2 Post Release Steps

  • Tweet about the release

  git checkout master
  git pull origin master 
  git pull origin hotfix-0.25.x
  git push origin master
  • Update the dev branch
  git checkout dev
  git pull origin hotfix-0.25.x
  git push origin dev
  • Update the dev branch version to 0.26.0-dev-SNAPSHOT

  mvn release:update-versions -DdevelopmentVersion=0.26.0-dev-SNAPSHOT -DautoVersionSubmodules=true

3.3 Commercial Releases (0.24.x only)

It is also possible to create a commercial release by specifying a different maven profile. A commerical release of aloha editor will contain different license texts.

	mvn release:prepare  -Pcommercial -Darguments=-Pcommercial
	mvn release:perform  -Pcommercial -Darguments=-Pcommercial

		<build.licenseType>Aloha Editor commercial license</build.licenseType>
		<snapshots.repoName>Snapshots Repository</snapshots.repoName>
		<releases.repoName>Releases Repository</releases.repoName>