The Sidebar is an HTML container you can use in your own implementation.
1 Overview
Aloha Editor comes with two preconfigured Sidebars that can be referenced via the Aloha.Sidebar.*
Aloha.Sidebar.left; // references the left Sidebar Aloha.Sidebar.right; // references the right Sidebar
2 Sidebar
Aloha Editor’s Sidebar acts as a container for Panels where you can put html content like forms. It comes with an API that allows you to control all of its functions:
// slide the right sidebar open;
2.1 Sidebar API
You can use the following Sidebar methods in your implementations:
Method | Description |
show() | Show the Sidebar |
hide() | Hide the Sidebar |
getPanelById(id) | Retrieve a Panel by it’s id |
open() | Slide the Sidebar open |
close() | Close the Sidebar |
activatePanel(panel, element) | Activates a panel. Expects a panel’s id or the actual object for panel , and a jQuery object for element . element is the object the Panel was activated from (e.g. a button) |
expandPanel(panel, callback) | Expands a panel. Put a panel’s id or the actual Panel object for panel . You can add a callback that triggers after the animation completes |
collapsePanel(panel, callback) | Collapse a panel. Put a panel’s id or the actual Panel object for panel . You can add a callback that triggers after the animation completes |
addPanel(panel) | Add a new Panel to the sidebar. Specify your options as an object in panel . Also see Sidebar Panels for additional information |
3 Sidebar Panels
Each Sidebar is made of Panels that act as containers for your HTML code. Panels provide an API for you to interact with them.
To add a new Panel to a Sidebar use the Sidebar’s addPanel()
method and specify your options in an object:
var panel = Aloha.Sidebar.right.addPanel({ // the id of your new Panel id: 'new-panel', // title to be set for your Panel title : 'Sidebar Demo Panel', // initial html content of your panel content : '<p>Demo content!</p>', // whether the panel should be expanded initially expanded : true });
3.1 Panel API
You can use the following Panel methods in your implementations:
Method | Description |
activate() | Shows the Panel |
deactivate() | Hides the Panel |
expand() | Expands the panel to display it’s contents |
collapse() | Collapses the panel so only it’s title bar is displayed |
setTitle(html) | Update the Panel’s title |
setContent(html) | Update the Panel’s content |