Aloha Editor

Aloha Editor Guides

These guides help you to make your content editable and to develop Aloha Editor.

Autoparagraph Plugin

The Autoparagraph Plugin checks the contents of editables and wraps content that is not contained in block level elements into paragraphs.

1 Functional Description

The Plugin relies on the events aloha-editable-created (which is fired when an editable is created) and aloha-smart-content-changed (fired when the content of an editable changes). This will make sure that missing paragraphs are created when starting to edit and whenever content was changed.

The aloha-smart-content-changed is not triggered immediately after content changes, but may take some time.

The plugin will then first check whether the root DOM element of the editable allows insertion of paragraphs. If the root DOM element e.g. itself is a paragraph or a header, inserting paragraphs is not allowed and the plugin will simply do nothing. If inserting paragraphs is allowed and the plugin activated for the editable (see below for configuration settings), the plugin will find all immediate child DOM elements of the editable, that are allowed to be nested in paragraphs and wrap paragraphs around them. Siblings are nested into a single paragraph.


Before transformation After transformation
Before<table>...</table>After <p>Before</p><table>...</table><p>After</p>
Before<hr/>After <p>Before</p><hr/><p>After</p>
Something <b>bold</b> or <i>italic</i> <p>Something <b>bold</b> or <i>italic</i></p>

2 Configuration settings

The Autoparagraph plugin can be switched on or off generally (default is on). Additionally, this global setting can be overwritten per editable.

The following example switches the plugin off generally and on only for specific editables:

	Aloha.settings.plugins = {
		autoparagraph: {
			// generally switch autoparagraph off
			config: [ ],

			// per editable configuration
			editables: {
				// switch on autoparagraph for the class with_autoparagraph
				'.with_autoparagraph': [ 'autoparagraph' ]

The example below is the reverse, the plugin is generally switched on, but disabled for specific editables:

	Aloha.settings.plugins = {
		autoparagraph: {
			// generally switch autoparagraph on
			config: [ 'autoparagraph' ],

			// per editable configuration
			editables: {
				// switch off autoparagraph for the class without_autoparagraph
				'.without_autoparagraph': [ ]