Aloha Editor

Aloha Editor Guides

These guides help you to make your content editable and to develop Aloha Editor.

Empty Link Plugin

The Empty Link Plugin highlights link elements which link target attribute (‘href’) is not defined.

1 Functional Description

The Plugin relies on CSS selectors to highlight the empty link elements (see The CSS selector highlights links which its link target attribute (‘href’) is either ‘#’, ‘http://’ or empty.

2 Configuration settings

The Empty Link plugin provides the following config options:

Aloha.settings.plugins.emptylink = {
	// default configuration for all editables (set to empty array to deactivate per default)
	config : ["emptylink"],
	// specific configuration for each editable identified by css selectors
	editables : {
		// deactivate for "teaser"
		"#teaser" : [],
		// activate for "content"
		"#content" : ["emptylink"]

If no configuration is set, the plugin will be activated for all editables.