Empty Link Plugin
The Empty Link Plugin highlights link elements which link target attribute (‘href’) is not defined.
1 Functional Description
The Plugin relies on CSS selectors to highlight the empty link elements (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Attribute_selectors). The CSS selector highlights links which its link target attribute (‘href’) is either ‘#’, ‘http://’ or empty.
2 Configuration settings
The Empty Link plugin provides the following config options:
Aloha.settings.plugins.emptylink = { // default configuration for all editables (set to empty array to deactivate per default) config : ["emptylink"], // specific configuration for each editable identified by css selectors editables : { // deactivate for "teaser" "#teaser" : [], // activate for "content" "#content" : ["emptylink"] } };
If no configuration is set, the plugin will be activated for all editables.